John 16:33 "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." It doesn't get any better than this. How often do we live defeated and heavily burdened with what life brings? Life is just hard sometimes. People hurt. Injustices exist. Pain is real and often it mars our judgement. The bible tell us we WILL have trials and problems. (If you are over the age of two, you already know this.) We realize early on that we have very little control over the things that happen to us and around us.
BUT GOD - I just love those words - says we are to take heart because Christ has overcome the world. Overcome -"to be victorious, to conquer", comes from the word "nikao" (Nike! Swoosh!) We have a refuge, a resting place...Someone to turn to with all of our cares and woes. Jesus has overcome the world with all the junk it can throw at us. And He equips us to grace, and hope, and love. Take heart, my friend.
Caleb Hardcastle's tennis shoes. Thanks, Caleb! |
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