Back to my original often changes our moods. Do not deny it...I have witnessed it and experienced it myself. Today was a cool(er) day where I live. I say cool, meaning it is about 80 degrees outside right now...a real heat buster.
Low humidity makes all the difference in the world. People smile more. They talk about the weather, not as small talk, but because they want to. Strange, because we are the same people, doing the same things we always do, but our steps are lighter and our moods brighter. Face it. A cool breeze after a sauna summer is heaven and a tie that binds....common ground for those that have survived August in the South. I happen to know that those north of us appreciate Spring just as much, after the bitter cold that keeps them inside for months. Just ask Jana and Matt.
The truth is, there is no Mother Nature. It is God's design to have seasons. This is one of His best ideas. Fall is like Christmas Eve every day - anticipation and delight until the last red leaf has sadly fallen to the ground. But take returns in a year's time, to once again stir the imagination of good things to come. All this expounding from one little cool front. Get ready to enjoy Autumn!
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