This is just a blog about my thoughts, my family, my everyday life. Because I am a Christian and have ups and downs like everyone else, I hope it will encourage others to either turn to Christ for the first time, or lean on Him when times are rough. Often life is just random and funny. I started this blog after many years of writing to my church about our vacations. They began to encourage me to blog and finally I am. Thanks for reading.

"Behold, upon the mountains, the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace!" Nahum 1:15

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. John Piper

Monday, October 15, 2012


Several of my friends and family told me about Pinterest.  They were all excited about it and wanted me to join because I would just love it....this went on for months.  I am not really a joiner.  I am not on Facebook - yes, it is true - though I was years ago. I get a new cell phone totally against my will, kicking and screaming, as it takes me ions to learn anything hi-tech.
When I decided to blog, I was told by Mr. Google that I had to do it through Facebook or about a ridiculous name.  Determined to stay off of Facebook, I signed up for Twitter.  Have no idea what to do with it and don't care a hill of beans, but it was a means to an end.  Not really worthy of a post though, because I know absolutely zero about it...just that people follow people and read what they have to say about...whatever.
When did we as a society decide it was "cool" and "in" to voice our opinions to the masses? (Yes, I know that is exactly what I am doing right now.  Just be quiet.)  I can get myself into trouble on any given day all by myself...WHY in the world would I want it broadcast for the world to see?  Believe me, I have read some self-revealing stuff on the internet.
ANYWAY, back to Pinterest.  Finally I joined.  Then it took me another month to take the time to figure it out.  I picked a few things I liked.  All of a sudden I am getting notices that some stranger likes what I picked.  Really?  As if I made some huge wonderful decision to choose wisely.  It made me laugh.  Whoever Mr. or Mrs. Pinterest is, they have pushed the right button and won the cupie doll.  Women want to hear that what they want/like/love is also wanted/liked/loved by someone else.  This idea encourages them to pick more things and get more compliments via the automated emails of affirmation.  And again, people follow people...but I am not sure why yet.  Guess it is flattering to be followed.  I wouldn't know.
BUT I HAVE TO SAY - it is like looking at a free magazine.  You can get ideas on how to fix things, make things, change things in your house...for free.  The internet can be a total time waster, that is for sure.  But if you are feeling domestic and get a hankering to cook, sew, decorate, make crafts with your kids/grandkids, etc., then Pinterest may be the answer for you.  It can actually take the place of shopping and spending money you don't really have at the moment, someone somewhere will always like what you like and Mrs. P will tell you so.  Kind of nice.


  1. You're on Twitter too?!?! :) What's your Twitter username? I want to follow you even if you never write one tweet haha

    1. I have no idea. I had to join either Facebook or Twitter to get on Pinterest, so I chose Twitter. I do not know how to tweet anything. I need lessons. You are following a dummy.
