This is just a blog about my thoughts, my family, my everyday life. Because I am a Christian and have ups and downs like everyone else, I hope it will encourage others to either turn to Christ for the first time, or lean on Him when times are rough. Often life is just random and funny. I started this blog after many years of writing to my church about our vacations. They began to encourage me to blog and finally I am. Thanks for reading.

"Behold, upon the mountains, the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace!" Nahum 1:15

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. John Piper

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Killing Spiders

Killing them is good, right?  Being female and afraid of spiders makes it monumental to even get near enough to throw something at them, much less hit them accurately, up close, and personal....without screaming.  I know that you know what I mean.
I went to my mom's to cut her hair - yes, I have been cutting her hair for more than 40 years and no, I do not have a license to do so.  She willingly puts her "looks" into my hands, even though there have been numerous boo boos over the years.  In all this time, no one else has held a pair of scissors to her head, but she has more than once made the statement, "Oh well, it will grow." And still, she holds out for a time when I can come and cut the once dark brown now gray hairs on her aging head.
As I have told you, my mom is very near total blindness.  While I was there, her stove was calling out to me to be cleaned.  You know how it is once you get started cleaning...everywhere you turn, you are wiping something down.  She was in the living room and we carried on conversation through the opening over her sink as I worked and she watched election news. (Will that ever end?)  As I was leaving the kitchen, I made one last decision to clean a dark corner.
There they were...creepy crawlies.  No insect should have so many legs.  I think that is what unnerves me most. They were not very big...they just existed in a place forbidden to them - my mom's house.  What to do, what to do.  Reaching for spray cleaner, I took aim...I figured she should not be exposed to bug spray...and gave them my best shot.  Now, where do things run when chased from a corner?  Right straight out! I grabbed some paper towels and prayed.  You are probably thinking "you prayed?"  Yes, I did. A million thoughts filled my head about fears and conquering them and always asking Tommy to be my hero and fight my battles with icky things like this.  But alas, he was not there...and I was not about to ask my mom to do it, for fear one might escape unnoticed. (I know you are shaming me at that very thought right now, but she always killed them when I was little.) No, it was totally up to me. I cringed with every blow and even shrieked alittle, but finally the deed was done.
God made me grow up and be big.  I have had a few harried moments over the last 24 hours. I checked out at the grocery store... without my wallet:(  I got lost today and called Tommy more than once.(He is my GPS device.) I forgot a meal that was left at church that I was supposed to deliver...and never did.  Me and my new phone have not made friends yet...I don't think it likes me very much.  So killing spiders has made me more than a conqueror.  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:13  This is the verse I quoted to my mom after the battle.
What a silly application to a mighty verse...but so appropriate for any fear or opposition or challenge I face.  My God is real and His word true...and my battles are His battles...even the tiny ones.

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