When we arrived in Tommy's hospital room on the 15th floor, he noticed a picture of a fluffy cat hanging on the wall and commented on it. (He usually would not notice anything like that, so I am blaming it on the morphine.)
The next day, a woman dressed for the holidays in a green tie with candy canes on it and wearing ornaments for earrings came into the room and asked us if we would like our picture replaced or if we were happy with it.
Tommy quickly said, "Whatever is fine."
I asked her what our choices were.
She said, "I have several for you to choose from" and disappeared taking the cat picture with her.
Soon she was back with two prints - a man holding a dog, and a huddled football team. (She let me know that it was a picture of Peyton Manning.) I smiled. I mean really. Who can get enough football? So, yes, let's put Peyton Manning on the wall. If you have seen one team in a huddle, you've seen them all in my opinion, but Tommy said yes to that one.
We said goodbye to the 'man with the dog' and the volunteer that came with it. But I followed her out into the hall and she asked me if I would like to see a picture of her cat. I said, "Of course."
She thumbed through the frames and pulled up a print of her black cat, 'Stretchy.' She had taken a picture of her cat and added it to the pictures that hang in the rooms.
This woman gives her time freely to go from room to room and ask people what they would like to look at during their stay at St. Luke's. She is in charge of two floors. I love her.
Stretchy will probably find his place on a wall down the hall...at least for a few days. Meanwhile, we have to...I mean get to look at Peyton in a huddle.
The cat we said goodbye to. |
Stretchy |
We said goodbye to him, too. |
Ah, yes. Peyton. Little does he know, he replaced a cat in a hospital room.
Merry Christmas! |