This is just a blog about my thoughts, my family, my everyday life. Because I am a Christian and have ups and downs like everyone else, I hope it will encourage others to either turn to Christ for the first time, or lean on Him when times are rough. Often life is just random and funny. I started this blog after many years of writing to my church about our vacations. They began to encourage me to blog and finally I am. Thanks for reading.

"Behold, upon the mountains, the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace!" Nahum 1:15

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. John Piper

Saturday, May 24, 2014

What Seaweed?

Last Monday, Shannon and I took the kids to Galveston, which was on that day covered in seaweed.  I don't think any of us cared. If you drive east along the seawall, you will find a free beach...meaning they are not kept up as much as the ones where you pay to park.
The seaweed was like a sponge to walk on and tangled in the mess were little white shells that Bella and I crushed with our fingers. They were so fragile and delicate, hidden in the mass of brown, but I failed to capture that moment.
It did not take Ivy long to join the beach club this time.  What she once hated became a love to her.  The pictures say it all.  How can anyone not love beaches?

What seaweed?

Being sunshine.

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