Jana and Matt live in a brownstone apartment building set aside for those attending Moody Bible Institute and those in Christian ministry. There is a home for new moms next door and a church across the street with a vacant lot used for baseball, volleyball, and hanging out in the evenings. All of this paints a picture similar to Sesame Street...with a little danger built in.
Chicago is full of free wheeling, law breaking citizens...as the police are nowhere in sight. Jana says they are not on the freeways because they are too busy with the neighborhood gangs. Comforting? Not really. So all that to say that when we squeezed into a parking place on the street - as close to Jana's apartment as possible - I said, "We are not going anywhere in our car. We will walk." Wow. Shoot me. Did I really say that? Because I take it back...lots.
We walked, |
and walked, |
and walked. |
We decided to go to Margie's Candies for lunch and ice cream. The kids rode in double strollers, except for Levi, who 'scootered' all the way. I kept thinking, "Now, remind me again,
why did we not drive? Hmm. Let's see..four adults, four kids, a scooter and two double strollers in the Rav 4?"
Matt and Jana |
Nope. This was a jolly stroll and each step brought us closer to sustenance. Ten blocks later, we arrived at our destination. It was worth the wait. Probably the best hot fudge sundae ever. Margie's was establishes in 1929 and they boast of not having ever served french fries. Well, okay. (Maybe the grease would interfere with the ice cream.)
Addie and Levi |
Ricky |
T.J. |
We mosied our way back home. A hodge podge of eclectic sights begged my camera for attention. I had to oblige. Beautiful flowers in the middle of forgotten back lots.
Last night we ate outside as Matt grilled. Friends from the building ate with us and a feast was enjoyed by all. We went inside for Jen's blueberry cobbler.
Driving by a fire station today, we saw the filming of Chicago Hope. I am not familiar with the show at all, but the cameras and crew were causing a stir in the neighborhood. Chicago inner city seems alive at all hours of the day. People of all nationalities meld together and roam the streets, especially on bicycles, which have their own lanes.
Jana and I will walk down the block to a thrift store later in the afternoon. We do not venture out at night. There is some gang activity in this area....but daylight brings with it new adventures on Sesame Street.
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