Tonight as many of the family as could, decorated my mom's house for Christmas. If I went through the events of my day leading up to this, you would laugh...or cry...but laughing is good. Crying helps nothing. My day started with a prayer, "Lord, I have plans for my day, but if You have other plans, then help me to pay attention and 'hear' You." I was up earlier than usual and began with a bang, cleaning and organizing the 140 Christmas boxes Tommy pulled out of the attic. Just kidding...but exaggerating the amount makes me feel better...cuz it's alot. Ring. Ring. Shannon is at WalMart with her four children and her car is acting up. Tommy goes and while she is shopping, he is checking out the car. Needs to see a car doctor. So they call me and I meet them at the car doctor shop. Shannon leaves a basket full of things in WalMart - not groceries, just other necessities, lest any of you think she left ice cream melting or something like that. Anyway - she was in distress, but her mother-in-law (me) encouraged her to go ahead and get her shopping done. This was my plan B for the day. So we headed back to WM and began again. She did end up finding her original basket, still sitting right where she left it.
After that, I took her home and ran some errands and then went back to pick up Emma for ballet. This is a relatively new endeavor for Emma. She is six. She is very talented and seems to be born to tippy toe through life. After an hour of watching her bounce around with about six other girls, it was time to leave. By now it is 4:30 and we are in Webster heading for Deer Park in heavy traffic. Luke has to know...go. Now, girls can hold it, but boys, well not so much. So Grammy made an executive decision and wound up behind a dumpster in a parking lot.
As we were leaving, I shut my car door on his hand. Yes, it is true.:( All I could think of was that we would now be going to the hospital with a mangled hand. He screamed and I prayed as I held him. Mama made things better and as it ended up, it was only a finger and a bruise. Thank You, Lord.
Finally we ended up at my mom's at six to be joined by various other members of the family. Tommy came in with pizza. So what started out as a routine day, ended as anything but. The men gave orders on how to decorate from the easy chairs and couch. Really? The little ones loved putting ornaments on the tree and the manger scenes....are unique to say the least. We combined them all. Jesus and Mary have twins - two Marys, two Jesuses(?) - and somehow Santa ended up in the mix. Such is the humor when we all get together. I think there might be six wise men there as well.
My mom was happy...and kept calling people by the wrong name as she cannot see at all. We just smile. So, let me be the first to say it...
Merry Christmas!
Emma |
Nephew Jesse holding Bella |
Great nephew Holden |
Sister-in-Law Laurette |
Nephew Zarien, Tommy, and Brother Owen (the directors) |
The Finished Product |
Daughter-in-Law Shannon and niece Tamrynn |
My mom will make sense of this...maybe. |
Mayhem |
Cherith and "Great Nanny" |
Brother Owen, nephew Josh and great niece Cherith |
Shannon and sister Mona |
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