My lesson this week was about Jesus being left behind in the temple when He was twelve. I asked the children if that had every happened to them. Almost to a child they told stories of being left, or a sibling that had been, or they knew of someone who had. Then I asked, "For three days?"
This is a picture of my marker board. This is how I teach. They understand my scribbles, but you might not.
I promise this makes sense to them. I erase and rewrite stuff all through my lesson, but this is how it ended up. |
If Jesus was God, and Messiah had come, and Mary and Joseph knew it, then why make the trip to Jerusalem for offerings for sin, and Passover celebrations, etc?
Because the cross had not happened yet. Payment for sins had not been made. Mary and Joseph continued in the faith they knew.
Jesus was in the temple doing the will of His Father. He left when his parents came to get Him, and it says He obeyed them and grew physically and in wisdom.
So we measured each child and wrote their height in inches, and they proceeded to decorate their chart. Enjoy their creativity.
Olivia is making a list of some sort. She hung hers in the class. |
Bryce |
Maggie |
Penny and Ava |
Ethan L making a list of adult weapons he wants for Christmas. |
Ethan J making a Christmas list of toys. Daryn's is just colorful. |
Addicus likes dragons and lizards. |
Interpretation: Cannon. P.S. I designed it. Laser gun. |
This is James. Another boy who loves weapons. |
Kristen, my helper. We maintain little control. |
Cid - who made his into a 50 inch beard.
May all of these young hearts grow in wisdom and favor with God and man. |
Luke 2:51-52 And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.
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