This is just a blog about my thoughts, my family, my everyday life. Because I am a Christian and have ups and downs like everyone else, I hope it will encourage others to either turn to Christ for the first time, or lean on Him when times are rough. Often life is just random and funny. I started this blog after many years of writing to my church about our vacations. They began to encourage me to blog and finally I am. Thanks for reading.

"Behold, upon the mountains, the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace!" Nahum 1:15

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. John Piper

Monday, April 8, 2013

Round Top, Bruce, the Squirrel, the Governor, and Austin - and Oh Yes - Bluebonnets!

What a title, huh?  The story you are about to hear is true and I am not changing the names to protect the innocent because there are no innocents in this tale.
Our church has a prison ministry that Tommy and a guy named Josh started about 7 years ago.  Since then, many other men and some women in our church have taken part in this endeavor. Tommy only goes now as a substitute.  The chaplain at the prison submitted one of the men's names to receive the Governor's Chaplaincy award.  This man, Barry Wilmore, also happens to be an astronaut who is preparing to go to the space station and is currently in Russia. He was unable to travel to Austin to receive his award, so Tommy and Bruce went on his behalf.
I was informed by friend Amy Jackson that this was the weekend of Round Top.  If you have never been (and I never had), it is a giant flea market.  Did I say giant?  I meant Jolly Green. Miles of vendors beginning on the outskirts of town and ending in Warrenton, the next town over.  I was sooooo 'there'.  All of a sudden this trip looked pretty good to me.  Great deals and the Governor to boot!
We stopped at the first tent we came to. The weather was a little daunting, but we (me and Susan) pressed on. Enamel ware for $4 and tablecloths for $5.  Okay, so far!  Tommy and Bruce mentioned that there were more shops further down the road, though we were willing for this to be our only stop. (So glad it wasn't!) The sign said that there are 90 residents living in Round Top.  Unbelievable, because I saw 900 people shopping.  This flea market happens only twice a year...first of April and first of October.  It was very cool and we were all shivering as we took to the street on foot.  Bruce was looking for any hat that cost a dollar.  There were none, so Susan took her knitted cap and placed it on his head. Hilarity ensued, but it was warm so he kept it on.  We tried to act like we did not know him, but he just wouldn't go away.
No, that is not me with Tommy.
It was like a meeting of Providence church members because we saw Amy Jackson and her three boys and then we saw Aubrey Fleming and baby Abigail.
Amy and Bruce

Aubrey with baby Abigail
 Amy was in search of a table and Hank helped Susan bargain for a plant stand to no avail. (sad face)
Hank, Sam, and Jack Jackson
Squirrel and Nut - which is which?
We soon parted and left for Austin, but Susan and I are planning an October trip for sure;)
There is a pecan shop on the other side of Bastrop on Hwy 71.  A giant squirrel sits in the parking lot and I could not resist taking of picture of Bruce in his hat beside it.  Which is the squirrel and which is the nut? Hmm.
Soon we were in Austin and at our hotel, where the award ceremony would take place Friday morning.  We made our way downstairs and waited for Tommy to have his picture made with the other recipients. Twenty people were also being honored for their work in the prison system.  They all looked so happy and joyful.  It was very encouraging.  Barry's award was first on the list.  They spoke of all of his military accomplishments - a Navy captain, an astronaut on one of the last shuttles, and that he is preparing to spend six months on the space station.  The spokeswoman was sure to say that Tommy and Bruce were accepting this award on his behalf, but still someone came up to Tommy and asked him if he was an astronaut. Really?
Governor Perry was supposed to be there, but he was doing something else somewhere the White House or some such place.  He did however make a video expressing his gratitude for the work of these men and women.  I am glad we were able to attend and meet some of these remarkable people that give their time to help men and women that are trying to change and re-enter society.
On the way home Tommy stopped and let me take some quick pix of bluebonnets.  They were lovely.

We ate lunch in Bastrop and I had a bowl of ice cream as a surprise.  It was my 60th birthday.  All in all a nice way to remember it.  From now on though, I will just be 60 plus.....

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