This is just a blog about my thoughts, my family, my everyday life. Because I am a Christian and have ups and downs like everyone else, I hope it will encourage others to either turn to Christ for the first time, or lean on Him when times are rough. Often life is just random and funny. I started this blog after many years of writing to my church about our vacations. They began to encourage me to blog and finally I am. Thanks for reading.

"Behold, upon the mountains, the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace!" Nahum 1:15

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. John Piper

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Are Donuts Profitable?

I made the picture really big because that is how they look to me right now.
Donuts were brought into our home this morning by a hungry person.  They ate their fill and the rest are just sitting there on my counter.  You would think the box was made of gold by the attraction it holds for me.  I almost opened it, when its ingredients jumped out at me.  Written on the front was "wheat flour, vegetable shortening, potato flour, soya flour, sugar, eggs, milk, salt, powdered sugar, and vegetable gelatin."  Since the word 'vegetable' was on there twice, does that make it okay?  (And by the way, my spell check says "soya" is not a word, so there.)
A scripture immediately came to mind, "To him who knows to do good and doesn't do it, to him it is sin."  I closed the box quickly because I am really trying to make wise decisions concerning my eating. Sooo, me no get a donut.
James 4:17   So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.  

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