This is just a blog about my thoughts, my family, my everyday life. Because I am a Christian and have ups and downs like everyone else, I hope it will encourage others to either turn to Christ for the first time, or lean on Him when times are rough. Often life is just random and funny. I started this blog after many years of writing to my church about our vacations. They began to encourage me to blog and finally I am. Thanks for reading.

"Behold, upon the mountains, the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace!" Nahum 1:15

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. John Piper

Friday, February 22, 2013

A Trip to Orlando

Tommy and I drove to Orlando to attend RC Sproul's Ligonier Conference.  We took our time in getting here and funny things always happen to us on our trips.  They probably happen to you, too.
First of all, let me say that we have never taken as many u turns on a trip as we have on this one.  Let me also say that I am not driving.  You can draw your own conclusions....(Smile.)

We stopped in Louisiana for gas and I was surprised to see these little gator heads for sale.  So, do they kill baby alligators...just to sell their heads?  Really?  They go for $12.99, though it did not look like anyone was buying any.  (BTW - they were made by June Bug...just not this June Bug.)
As we drove along we hit a snag and were in dead stop traffic for one hour and fifteen minutes.  People were getting out of their cars and socializing.  We just turned the car off and read for awhile.
We stopped for lunch and another tank of gas and as we were driving away, the car made a funny noise.  I mentioned it and Tommy said, "It's okay, it stopped" and so we kept going...hmmm.  (Remember who is driving.)
Soon two guys in a hot rod passed us waving and pointing to our car.  Tommy pulled over to discover our gas tank lid flapping in the breeze with the tank door shut.  Now let me ask you...why is it that the young whippersnappers will tell you when something is wrong with your car - and the older more proper people who are traveling in their RVs or the business man going to work will drive by and ignore you, hoping someone else will tell you that you look like an idiot?  Okay, take note of this.

As we passed over the bridge at Mobile, guess what we saw?  Yes, the Carnival Cruise Ship Triumph.  There it was in all of its glory moored next to the port with these big thingys (ok, so I am not familiar with broken sea vessels) on the side of it.  The sun was going down faster than usual and I talked Tommy into getting off and going down to get a closer look.  Here we are driving down dark back roads looking for a cruise ship tail that sticks up in the air. We found it and though we could not get very close, I managed to take a couple of pictures.  I am glad that Tommy is sometimes willing to indulge my whims.
After a restful night we were on the road again.  Sooooo moving along, I see a truck with his gas tank lid flapping in the breeze and the little door is shut.  What do I do?  Do I pretend not to notice?  Really?  How could I not notice?  The truck is white and the lid is bright green.  I guess I could have turned my head towards Tommy and acted like I was in deep conversation while he had his ear phones on listening to...whatever.  No.  I rolled down my window and waved and pointed to the man in the baseball cap to let him know about the gas thingy and he smiled and nodded as if I was the one hundred and tenth person to tell him.  So be it.  I tried.  Later, when we passed him again, his gas lid was still undone, but this time I kept my nose in my book and smiled to myself.

We crossed the Suwannee River in Florida.  There were musical notes written on the sign, so I googled it and sure enough, it is the river that the song was written for.  In fact, Florida's state song is "Way Down Upon the Swanee (Suwannee) River".  Just a bit of trivia for you.

The conference has been wonderful, but busy, and packed.  Lots of traffic, lots of people, and lots of amazing singing.  Our friends, Mark and Cassie are here as well.  Today we met people from Tennessee, Washington DC, and Maryland.  I am looking forward to the final day tomorrow and to attending Sproul's church on Sunday before heading home.
Oh yes, Tommy and I went into a Walgreens last night and what did we see at the check out, but more gator heads...about thirty more.  These little guys need a lawyer.

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