I think I can safely say that my zeal would in no way match God's. My zeal has limits.
Albert Barnes' commentary says that "the establishment of this kingdom was an object of intense and ardent desire on the part of Yahweh. It is also implied that nothing else than the zeal of Yahweh could do it." He goes on to say:
1. "That if Yahweh feels so intense a desire for this, then the subjects of the Messiah's reign should also feel this." (That's us, guys.)
2. "If Yahweh feels this zeal, and if he will certainly accomplish this, then Christians should be encouraged in their efforts to spread the gospel. His purpose to do this is their only encouragement - and a sufficiant encouragement - to excite their zeal in this great and glorious work."
So, let's be zealous about sharing Christ. God sent His only Son, Jesus to save us from our sin. Isn't there someone you know that doesn't know this? Ask them...then tell them. Get some zeal out of your back pocket and wear it well. While you're at it, remember the door is open for communicating what the birth of Christ really means. Be the first to say, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"
This is last year's picture, but we only look one year older now...basically the same. |