This is just a blog about my thoughts, my family, my everyday life. Because I am a Christian and have ups and downs like everyone else, I hope it will encourage others to either turn to Christ for the first time, or lean on Him when times are rough. Often life is just random and funny. I started this blog after many years of writing to my church about our vacations. They began to encourage me to blog and finally I am. Thanks for reading.

"Behold, upon the mountains, the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace!" Nahum 1:15

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. John Piper

Monday, January 19, 2015

Ebb and Flow

Ebb and flow.  Back and forth.  Always moving to and fro.  That could describe man's relationship with God, as chronicled in the Old Testament again and again.  It is chronicled in my life today as well.  I journal it.
He gives and I take.  I give back and He just is...and is glorified.  All I have, all I am - is meant to enlarge my view of God and foster a constant flow of adoration and gratefulness on my part, while receiving blessing upon blessing from Him.  The exchange is uneven for sure.  Everything that happens to me is meant as a blessing for my good.  I always benefit.
This 'give and take' between us is marred only when I fail to do my part.  He has never failed on His end and He never will.  To do so would mean vacating His throne.  It won't happen.  And so once again my praise rises.
Lord, make me faithful in my walk with You, my Constant Companion.  May the ebb and flow between us become smaller and smaller until it no longer exists and I am completely and forever yielded.

Hebrews 7:25-28  Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.  
26 For it was indeed fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens.  
27 He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself.  
28 For the law appoints men in their weakness as high priests, but the word of the oath, which came later than the law, appoints a Son who has been made perfect forever. 

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