After being a Christian for almost 6 decades, knowing Jesus seems just as new a venture today as it ever was. He is as fresh as the new mercies He offers us every day. His sacrificial love, unfailing forgiveness, and eternal promises are for all who come to know Him as Savior - past, present, and future. Jesus was, Jesus is, Jesus will be. Hallelujah.
Scripture tells us that His works could not be held in books if they filled the earth. This Jesus is worth knowing.
John 21:25 Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.
So, what does it mean to really know Jesus? Have you investigated how He treated others - from the passerby to His closest twelve?
In what ways did He love His Father? mother? brothers?
How did He respond to those that attacked Him on all kinds of subjects?
We know from Acts 10:38 that He went about doing good. He never sinned. Can we know such a Man?
1 John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
Jesus came to be the final sacrificial Lamb that we might come to the Father. He died that we might know Him. He invites us to seek Him, discover Him, and rediscover Him again tomorrow and the day after that.
If books cannot contain all that He has done, then we will never come to the end of our searching. There will always be more to know...and more and then even more. We will never come to the end of discovering Who He is.
Someday, each of us will singularly stand before Christ in judgment. He already knows us intimately. How well will we know Him then, only to eagerly learn more of Him for eternity? Seek to know the Rock that stands strong in unsteady times, as the Advocate in adverse conditions, as the True Friend that never fails to encourage, as the quiet Voice that calls us to be still and know, as Savior and returning King, as your only Hope. You have His ear. Draw near and know Jesus.
...We may know Him Who is true...