"And you, who were dead in your trespasses
and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God
made alive together with him,
having forgiven us all our trespasses,
by canceling the record of debt
that stood against us (me) with its legal demands.
This he set aside, nailing it to the cross."
Colossians 2:13-14
I was reading through Colossians and these verses grabbed me as if I had never read them before. Does that ever happen to you? It was as if I had just discovered a black and white masterpiece and it jumped from the page right into my heart. What great love God must have for His children! He set aside what I owed and paid it with His own Son's blood. God nailed my sin to the cross, with the same nails that killed His Precious Son, Jesus Christ. He nailed my debt - past, present, future. So...why, oh why do we hang on to the debts we think others owe us?
We keep accounts of wrongs done, words hurled in anger, being mistreated or left out, or having to watch loved ones suffer, and endless other things. The freedom from slavery that we experience, we can share with others, but not until we free them from the bondage we have held over them in our hearts. Take hold of the freedom given in Christ and let go of the debts you might be owed. It's like dominoes falling.
O Lord, let me never forget what it cost You to save me. You paid the debt I never could. You forgave me so I could forgive others. Let my life be a living testimony of gratitude, love, and forgiveness.